We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. As civilian areas and hospitals become targets of the assault, we are witnessing crimes against humanity. There is no justification for this indiscriminate attack meant to topple a nation. We pray for an end to this carnage - Staff of BCRHHR
a program of the Immigrant and Refugee Health Center
at Boston Medical Center

To patients and friends of the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights, I would like to thank you for the support you have given to us over the years.
I could never have imagined when pursuing a Fellowship in International Psychiatry that it would have led me to start an International Mental Health Program in 1996 at Boston City Hospital, and with others to co-found the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights in 1998.
To the patients who have walked through our doors, you have truly been an inspiration to me personally and to the staff as a whole. Your courage and your perseverance have been so extraordinary. You have enriched my life in ways that are difficult to describe. Your humanity, your hard work, and deep caring for your families and others are so heartening and an example for all of us to follow.
I know these times have been challenging on so many levels. The sociopolitical environment in which we live, indiscriminate gun violence, and covid have been stressful to all of us. The delays in immigration and family reunification have been so painful. I encourage you not to lose heart. Your day will come. To others, who have been granted asylum, please embolden those behind you, as you are all on a journey in life that was never anticipated.
To those of you who have or continue to bring new patients to our doors, thank you. Please continue to do so. We know there are so many who are out there living in limbo which might not have been so if someone had reached out to them with information.
I will continue to be an advisor to the BCRHHR but will no longer treat patients at this time.
If you wish to re-engage or start to engage in treatment please contact the Immigrant Refugee Health Center at 617-414-9414. And of course should there be an emergency please come to the Emergency Room at Boston Medical Center or go to the Emergency Room closest to you.
As we look toward this new era, you may receive an invitation to participate is a brief survey or even participate in a focus group. Kindly consider doing so as your input is important to us.
Again, thank you. You will remain in my prayers.
Lin Piwowarczyk, MD, MPH (Dr. Lin)

Welcome to the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Huam Rights (BCRHHR)!
If you are currently in treatment and would like to make an appointment, please reach out to your provider directly or call the front desk at:
(617) 414-4794.
To schedule an appointment for new patients call:
(617) 414-1994.
Nos alegra decirles que el Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights (BCRHHR) ya está atendiendo a pacientes en persona, además de virtualmente por video! Si Ud está en tratamiento con nosotros actualmente y quiere hacer una cita, favor de contactarse a su clínico directamente o llamarse a la recepción, (617) 414-4749. Para pacientes nuevos, favor de llamarse a (617) 414-1994 para hacer una cita.
Temos o prazer de lhe informar que o Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights (BCRHHR) vai voltar a atender as pessoas pessoalmente, bem como virtualmente, por vídeo! Se você estiver, atualmente, em tratamento e quiser marcar uma consulta, contacte diretamente o seu provedor ou ligue para a receção, pelo telefone (617) 414-4749. Para novos pacientes, ligue para (617) 414-1994 para agendar uma consulta.
يسعدنا إبلاغكم أن مركز بوسطن لصحة اللاجئين وحقوق الإنسان (BCRHHR) يستقبل الآن أشخاصًا في المركز وكذلك عبر الفيديو. إذا كنت تتلقى العلاج حاليًا وترغب في تحديد موعد ، فيرجى الاتصال بمزود الخدمة الخاص بك مباشرةً أو الاتصال بمكتب الاستقبال على (617) -414-4749 للمرضى الجدد ، يرجى الاتصال (617) -414-1994
.لتحديد موعد
Nou kontan di ou ke Sant Boston pou Sante Refijye ak Dwa Moun (Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights - BCRHHR) tounen nan wè moun an pèsòn epi sou videyo! Kounye a, si ou swiv sevis nou nan tretman epi ou ta renmen pran yon randevou, tanpri kontakte youn nan anplwaye nou yo ke ou wè dirèkteman oswa rele biwo nou an nan (617) 414-4749. Pou nouvo pasyan yo, tanpri rele nou nan (617) 414-1994 pou pran randevou.
Nous sommes heureux de vous announcer que Le Centre de Boston Pour la Santé des Refugiés et des Droits Humains (CBSRDH) est de nouveau en mesure de recevoir des patients en personne ainsi que virtuellement (par video)! Si vous êtes actuellement en traitement et que vous souhaitez prendre un rendez-vous, veuillez contacter directement votre prestataire ou appeler la réception au (617) 414-4749. Pour les nouveaux patients, veuillez appeler le (617) 414-1994 pour prendre un rendez-vous. Nous vous remercions!
For those in immediate need of our assistance, please call the Samaritan line at:
(877) 870-4673.
Call or Text 24/7.
To view more information on their website, click HERE
For attorneys who believe that their clients may be in need of an affidavit, please contact the Immigrant and Refugee Health Center Front-desk at:
(617) 414-1994
Support our work
We thank you for your support. Please consider making a donation to help our clients continue to thrive.
To Donate Visa cards, International phone cards, Uber cards, and other essential resources to our clients, please visit our Amazon Wishlist:
Delivery Address:
801 Massachusetts Ave
Refugee Center - Crosstown 1
Boston, MA 02118
“I am very sincerely grateful to Boston Refugee Center for rescuing and healing me from my fears, sickness, hopelessness, tension, loneliness, poverty, and death.”
– An Asylee from Sub-Saharan Africa

If you are feeling like you need to speak with someone immediately, call B.E.S.T. (Boston Emergency Services Team)
To view more information on their website, click HERE
Food Pantries are still open! To find out hours and information about food resources in your area call the
Food Source Hotline
If you are looking for more information about BMC's response to the coronavirus, please check the hospital's website
There is a special website for immigrants and asylum seekers who have coronavirus questions made by lawyers. You can view it by clicking
June 26 is the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. It commemorates the signing of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [CAT]. The United States, a signatory of the CAT, defines torture as “an act committed by a person acting under color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon another person within his custody or control”. Torture by officials around the world is inflicted on people in the dark recesses of prisons, jails, and secret detention centers where the only onlookers are complicit guards or prisoners in peril. Among torture survivors who have received treatment at specialized rehabilitation treatment centers which participated in a national study, 5.7% experienced asphyxiation and survived. We don’t know how many perished. Indeed within our own Center, we have heard some of our patients talk about how they too cried out for their mothers at those moments of total vulnerability. Torture is about exerting one’s total power over another, and often arises in authoritative systems worldwide that condone such violence upon another human being. The torture of Mr. George Floyd occurred in broad daylight. This raises questions about the prevalence of torture in the United States, the misuse of power, and the number of unknown victims within this country.
Linda Piwowarczyk, MD, MPH
Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights