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De Novo Center for Justice & Healing presented the 2019 Dr. Joseph H. Brenner Award

April 29, 2019, De Novo Center for Justice & Healing presented the 2019 Dr. Joseph H. Brenner Award to the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights (BCRHHR) at their annual Volunteer Appreciation event. The award was given in recognition of BCRHHR’s commitment to “providing compassionate, holistic medical care to immigrant and refugee survivors of torture or other trauma.” Dr. Lin Piwowarczyk, Director and Co-founder of BCRHHR, delivered a powerful acceptance speech on behalf of the team, highlighting the growing importance of community collaboration - between organizations, volunteers, and clients.       De Novo’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Event celebrated their vast professional volunteer base who help provide free legal assistance and affordable counseling to low-income individuals and families. The event this year drew “members of Greater Boston’s vibrant legal and social justice communities.” David H. Long, Liberty Mutual Chairman and CEO, presented the keynote address, telling attendees: “As someone who has been on the receiving end of that kind of generosity and goodwill, who knows what it’s like to be welcomed by strangers, and who, forty years later, can recall the mighty force of the kindness that comes when it’s needed the most – I thank you.” Alongside BCRHHR, the Coordinated Care Program for Political Violence Survivors at Cambridge Health Alliance was another recipient of the 2019 Dr. Joseph H. Brenner Award.      The Brenner award is named in honor of Dr. Joseph Brenner, who was a social justice advocate and psychiatrist. The Brenner Award celebrates community leaders and organizations that exemplify community service and volunteerism. As Dr. Lin poignantly stated as she accepted the award, “We are who we are because you are who you are.”

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Last updated: 03/30/2022

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