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Resources :

Referrals :



To make a referral please visit our referral page here.

We are pleased to announce that due to additional funding, our team at the  Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights is  now able to see a broader range of clients beyond our previous restriction to only survivors of torture.  Due to the increasing demand for our services, we are re-evaluating our immigration-related activities.  Full psychological evaluations remain available for defensive cases for clients who are in care with our Center.  We are unable to accept referrals which are only for psychological evaluation without treatment. This policy will remain in effect until further notice. As always, psychological affidavits and treatment letters will be provided at the discretion of the clinician. Being seen for an intake does not guarantee that a treatment letter or affidavit will be provided.  We look forward to our expanded mission and to working together with our legal and community partners. 


The Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights (BCRHHR) is now under the umbrella of the Immigrant and Refugee Health Center (IRHC) at BMC.  In order to streamline the process of referrals, please call the IRHC front desk at (617) 414-1994 to schedule an appointment. If you would like to receive serves from BCRHHR, please specify that when you call.  Please feel free to continue to reach out for consultations.


BOSTON, MA 02118
(617) 414-4794
IRHC FRONT DESK: (617) 414-1994

© 2014 by the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights.

Last updated: 03/30/2022

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